About Dr. Patrick Price
Dr. Price is a highly respected chiropractor in the Houston community. He believes in the practice of holistic medicine and understands the role of stress and emotions in the cause of disease and pain. His first experience of chiropractic care was as a patient and motivated his future choice of career and his enduring dedication to his profession. As a child, a serious head injury caused him frequent severe migraines that modern medical practice could not relieve. He eventually found a small-town chiropractor whose continuing treatment made it possible for him to return to a normal childhood free of pain.
As a young man in Alexandria, Louisiana, Dr. Price engaged in many competitive sports excelling in water-skiing and martial arts. Then in 1990, he suffered a lower back disc injury leaving him immobile. His career in sports and martial arts seemed over. Again he turned to his old mentor who after a few weeks of treatment had him walking again. Eight months after his accident, Dr. Price was able to return to teaching martial arts with a new outlook on life – thankful for the use of his legs and a deep respect for the art of chiropractic. He has since dedicated his life to both chiropractic and martial arts.
Dr. Price is an innovator in the field of health & fitness, while seeking solutions to people’s pain and suffering he discovered a way to help people through their discomforts. A major breakthrough came years ago while studying with other professionals, they discovered that the emotional blockages we carry can be the underlying cause of the pain we carry, especially if it is a chronic condition. He then created a system to release these blockages using not only chiropractic adjustments but a technique he calls Cellular Release.
Here are a few of the Innovations Dr. Price has created over the years:
- Cellular Release Sessions (CRS)
- Comprehensive Wellness Programs
- Specialized Techniques for PAIN patients
- Advanced Emotional Release Programs
- Cleansing & Detoxification Programs
- Chiropractic teaching program (AKS)
- Medical Intuitive training (The Body Detective)
To begin his medical training Dr. Price pursued an undergraduate degree in biology and went on to earn his degree in chiropractic from Texas Chiropractic College in Pasadena, Texas in December of 1996. He then spent many years in his post-graduate studies solving the unsolved mystery cases that enter his office. Pain can be from many unseen conditions and there is not always an easy solution. Especially from a chronic condition, something that has been giving a patient pain and suffering for many years with no real success from other treatments.
Today, many Americans suffer the effects of “Toxic overload,” which is where the body has been exposed to numerous amounts of chemicals and other toxins from our; food, water, air, and environment. This creates many degenerative diseases with so many people these days, even our young adults are coming down with conditions that you should only see in a much older person. The Chiropractic adjustments free up the nervous system to aid in the freedom of movement and improved function of our organs and glands, but then there are the underlying effects of chemical toxins. In the past, there was no testing procedure that would reveal all the elements that could be in our bodies, but today new testing procedures have made it possible to find answers where before there was no definitive testing method.
Today, through new testing methods and by personal studies, Dr. Price has conducted in his office there are answers to these medical mysteries. Here are a few methods Dr. Price uses to discover what may be your underlying medical issue.
- Organic Acid Test (OAT)
- Glyphosate Test
- Environmental Tox Panel
- Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)
- Candida (Yeast) Testing & Analysis
- Adrenal Stress Test
- Toxic Body Test
- Kinesiology for Nutritional Deficiencies
- Non-toxic care & testing for Emotional imbalances
These procedures are all performed in his Houston office. For all Urine and Hair analysis testing packages can be mailed to anywhere in the U.S.
Today, Dr. Price teaches programs in the U.S. and internationally. He seeks to advance the field of Chiropractic with more deeper knowledge and understanding of the human body. Besides the usual classes for doctors in Chiropractic, he teaches the knowledge of the past. Chakras, Meridians, Bio-Field Harmonics, and the emotional connections are part of his programs, which he sees just as important for Chiropractors as it is for other practitioners in the field. His classes are for ALL health professionals.
From his Chiropractic and Wellness Center in the Houston area, this home base is where his expertise is paving the way for the synergy of chiropractic care and medical training, while continually pushing the limits of both.
As part of his approach, Dr. Price has made it his personal goal to inform the general public about how to use natural, non-toxic substances to live a healthy life and opens his classes to all who wish to achieve physical and emotional well-being and a balanced body-mind-spirit system. In addition to teaching health professionals, Dr. Price has given the following lectures to the public and corporations:
- Functional Medicine and its benefits
- Muscle Testing 101
- 5 Secrets to Weight Loss
- Love your Heart
- Career Exploration & More
- Managing your Stress Naturally
- What you need to know about GMO’s
- 20 Reasons your Stomach may be Hurting
To schedule an event or lecture by Dr. Patrick Price, please contact our office.
832-930-4365 (Text or call) hiwc@drpatrickprice.com
Dr. Price has taken chiropractics where other doctors have not. He has served as the on-staff doctor for such special events like martial arts competitions, professional bodybuilding shows (NPC Jr. Nationals), professional dance teams (Planet Funk), concerts (INSYNC, FILTER, INSIGHT), and many other venues locally and abroad. He has been the personal Doctor of well know movie stars (Steven Seagal), musicians (Robert A. Aviles), high-profile martial artists (Erik Paulson, Dan Inosanto, Bass Rutten, etc), and political figures from the countries he has visited.
Martial arts & movement programs have also been a large part of his life. He owns and operates his own martial art school (www.houstonjujutsuacademy.com) as well in the Houston area. He is a great believer in holistic care and in the evolution of the human spirit. Dr. Price is always empowering others to take better care of their own health.
Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.
Bruce Lee

Contact info
Tue – Fri: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Sat – Mon: Closed
Call (713) 877-8600
Text (832) 930-4365
4544 Post Oak Place Dr #275
Houston, TX 77027
Houston International Wellness Center
Schedule your appointment with dr price
Houston Best Chiropractor and Alternative Medicine Wellness Center